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Legal Descriptions

We have been spending a lot of time lately helping people figure out exactly where certain legal descriptions are located. So much so we thought we would dive in and…

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Case Study-Maps in the Legal Industry

We find maps are needed in a lot of different professional areas. In this post we will explore a new area that is quite intriguing to us. Maps in the…

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Trade Area Basics – Part 4, The Example

Now that you have seen trade area basics of how they are created, how can you effectively use them? Remember that trade areas are a subjective thing that can be…

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Trade Area Basics – Part 3, The Trade Area

Step three of our example set continues on with Trade Areas. We will focus on the art of designing a potential trade area based on multiple variables. Straight distance or…

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Trade Area Basics – Part 2, The Drive Time

Step two in our Trade Area Basics is the Drive Time. The Drive Time takes a center point or site and runs through a road network to find acceptable routes…

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Trade Area Basics – Part 1,The Radius

Trade areas are not a new thing by any means but they are often misunderstood. Sure they are a way to show where people tend to be based on location…

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Maps Everywhere

We never thought we would be making maps everywhere including for a rail yard operated by a huge rail road. But here we are doing just that. This is a…

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