In Real Estate one of the most popular items you need are Logo Maps. They are the universal item that is requested to properly marketing your site.
Logo Maps do a fantastic job of showing where your site is in comparison to other major draws in the immediate area. They show access points, parking areas, co-tenants and how the overall flow of traffic and people. Clean Logo Maps show how centralized or valued the location of your site really is.
Logo Maps
We start the creation process with SIC/NAICS information and query certain tenants based on type, SF and location. We then export out a database of suitable retail competitors and bring that information into our core map. Then we cross reference that database with other third party sources like the retailers websites, we spot buildings on new aerial imagery and street view products along with other map providers.
Combining imagery data with labeled roads starts the baseline with the tenant database points on top. Then we add the logos to the mix to line up with the tenant database for geographic accuracy. Then add your site to top things off. Get more information here. https://mapsynergy.com/real-estate
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