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Real Estate

Using Maps in Commercial Real Estate

Using maps in Commercial Real Estate is key to communicating all the most important items of the deal. How you deliver that information comes in many forms from screen shots…

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New Residential Development

Using Webmaps and mobile apps to speed sales. Mapping Your Project Accurately showing New Residential Development projects brings unique challenges. Showing your buyers exactly where each lot is, what surrounds…

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Retail Site Selection Webmap

Expanding on our previous commercial real estate webmap examples we dive into a sample dataset of retail site selection. This time we are looking for a site for an existing…

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Real Estate Tour Webmap

Real Estate Tour Maps are one of the core items agents need. Long ago they were printed and bound in a book of paper. Currently they exist as a PDF…

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Logo WebMaps

If you saw our previous post on one of the most popular types of Real Estate maps, the Logo Map. We have a new twist on that topic. What if…

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Geo Locate Photos Automatically

Lets say you are out taking pictures of locations with your phone. Possibly for an upcoming real estate tour. Go into your phone settings and make sure that location tags…

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Location Mapping

Location Mapping is one of the core maps needed in real estate. By taking any list containing any number of locations can be clearly marked for your client. Most real…

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Zip Code Analysis

Analyzing locations based on a standardized Zip Code level is common. Typically this is called zip code analysis. We take customer location data in excel and display the densities of…

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Employee Drive Times

When office tenants want to relocate to new space they usually prefer to be closer to their existing employees. What is the best way to accomplish that task? Adding an…

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Logo Maps

In Real Estate one of the most popular items you need are Logo Maps. They are the universal item that is requested to properly marketing your site. Logo Maps do…

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